The Secretes of Manifesting or Intentional creating. It’s a synchronicity where you attract things to your self. We are naturally born with the ability to attract things to our self instantaneously. But the process and conditioning of life makes us forget what we were born knowing. The conditioning process of life fills our mind with lots of useless mind chatter, things like self doubt judgments, regrets, attachments to thoughts and things all useless stuff. Meditation is the process to eliminate mind chatter. It’s about finding your true self. When we start meditating we all feel like we are doing it wrong, because the mind doesn’t give up its control Easley, but if you stick with it in time little by little it lets go and you can be at peace, even when you are surrounded by kayos. The mind is not even real it’s when we get attached to the thoughts of our mind and those thoughts becomes an attachment that we identify with when the illusory nature of the ego driven mind takes hold. When we are truly living in the present moment the mind naturally goes away and you are just in the moment, there is no comparisons with past experiences no judging of what is perceived as good or bad, just the experience of the here and now. Its being in the zone, that athletes talk about, or artists, or any one who has found a way to get lost in something, and in that moment you are the thing you are doing, you are truly one, all cense of self is gone, all is well and just to be alive is profound. In this place every thing is all good, every moment is fun and enthralling. How we manifest is by visualizing the thing we want to manifest as if we already have it, in this place we are deserving of what we want and we see our self as having it in the here and now. We Visualize how it feels to have what we are manifesting, see it in our mind, feel it and how it will feel when we have it the more details we can have and the more real we can make the visualization the faster it will come. When we get caught up in thoughts of why we cant have what we want to have the self doubt brings the process to a stop, worry, self doubt anxiousness desperation or neediness is all going in the wrong direction. It’s a peaceful process to embrace all you would like to manifest, there in no attachment its about letting go and trusting the Universe to bring it to you in the right time when you are ready to receive. Gratitude is key to all manifesting; to be grateful in advance is the greatest tool to shorten the time between when you create the vision and when it is physically manifest. When I look at the times when I have been able to manifest what I wanted in a fast manner the greatest was bringing in to my life of, my present wife.
I was almost completely divorced it was 6 weeks until the court hearing to finalize my divorce. I created a list of every thing I wanted in my perfect relationship things like some who love me for me some one who wasn’t constantly wanting me to be something I wasn’t at the time, some one who empowered me and built me up instead of tearing me down, I also had lots of individual things that I really wanted as well. I had connected to a place in me where I knew I could have what I wanted I felt worthy to receive this new relationship. And it was also an act of prayer to my divine source, with a feeling of gratitude for the gift of life. I didn’t have a timetable, I just believed this is something I want and will not except anything less in my life ever again. I was introduced to my wife the night before my divorce was final. And the introduction, was a peaceful experience, none of the overwhelming sexual attraction I had felt in the past. It was a complete hart connection it was a soul connection. It was much more profound then mirror sexual attraction it was like I was looking in to my own soul, this person was Me but in a female form. She was Georgiou’s, and powerful, with a strong sense of self in many ways much more secure with her self then I ever was. She was even profoundly better then I asked for, better then my list, better then my wildest dreams, it was like asking for a new home and receiving a mansion, filled with gardens, and grand rooms of wonder. We spent the whole night just talking and we talked all the way up to just a two hours before my court hearing, so I went home and showered and went to the court with the biggest smile I couldn’t remove from my face. Filling totally blessed, and grateful to be alive, grateful to have met the best friend I had ever known. We have been together for the last 20 + years, and it has been a joy, to be living with some one who loves me warts and all, and believe me I’ve got lots of warts. I am Blessed. So I hope this can spark in you a little more understanding of how to manifest in your life, it was fun for me to take a short trip down memory lane.
With Peace and Love
Charles Lyon.
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