This is a study done in 1986 by Dr Kenneth Novack about what motivates employes from the employers view verses the employes view.
It is quite profound how out of sync most managers are to there employees.
He asked a cross section of employes across the U S What was the top ten things that motivate them to do a good job for a employer.
He also asked a cross section of managers across the U S what they
thought motivated there employes and here is the results.
1) Managers) said " Money"
1) Employees) said "appreciation"
2)Managers) Job Security.
2) Employees) The feeling of being an insider & having a say on how things are run.
3) Managers) Promotion.
3) Employees) Sympathy for personal problems.
4) Managers) Working conditions.
4) Employees) Job security.
5) Managers) Interesting work.
5) Employees.) Money.
6) Managers.) Loyalty from the company to employes
6)Employees.) Interesting work.
7) Managers) Tactful disciplining. What ever that means ?
7) Employees.) Promotion
8)Managers) Appreciation.
8) Employees) Loyalty from the company.
9) Managers) Sympathy for personal problems.
9) Employees) Working conditions.
10) Managers)The feeling of being an insider
10) Employees) Tactful disciplining.
Conclusion the average manager doesn't have the foggiest Idea of how to Effectively motivate His employees.
Tom Peters turned the management world upside down when he Introduced "In Search of Excellence" He admonishes Managers to desert the old management style and become Cheerleaders of Excellence. Specifically he says ketch your employees in the process of doing something right and then praise them for there efforts. Stop looking for what they do wrong, look for what they Do right.
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