TED Ideas Worth Spreading
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader.
Expand your mind and expand your world by subscribing to Ted
The annual conference brings together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes).
Weather you are watching, listening to the latest scientific brake troughs presented by the scientist who achieved them or listening to a timeless wisdom of a Buddhist monk you will expand your world and be on the cutting edge of where the world is moving both scientifically and consciously.
You will laugh, cry, feel touched and be inspired when you subscribe to TED.
I cannot speak highly enough about this profound organization and how it has raised my thinking out of the ordinary and in to the profound.
I love it and I’m shore you will too.
Here is what people are saying about TED
"It was incredible." Malcolm Gladwell
"A mind-opening experience." Amy Tan
"One of the highlights of my entire life." Billy Graham
"I've never experienced anything remotely like it." Jeffrey Katzenberg
"The combined IQ of the attendees is incredible." Bill Gates
"It was *&%$ING UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!" Lawrence Bender
People who have personally attended the conferences say.
"Thank you a thousand times for inviting me to your wonderful TED conference. I regret not only that I was not at every moment of it, but especially that I missed all the previous ones! It was a great and stimulating experience as well as a lot of fun."
~ Rupert Murdoch, chair & CEO, The News Corporation
"At each TED conference something important happens to me: a new business, a new friend. I return exhilarated." ~ Nicholas Negroponte, director emeritus & co-founder, MIT Media Lab
"Sign me up for next year." ~ Al Gore, activist
"I wasn't prepared for this conference to be so profound. The combined IQ of the attendees is incredible." ~ Bill Gates, Microsoft
"It was *&%$ING UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! I can't tell you how much I got out of it. You did more for global warming than you can imagine!!! I have spoken to over a hundred people of importance that are coming on board to get the word out on our movie. Thanks again."~ Lawrence Bender, producer
"A mind-opening experience. If it opens any more, I am afraid it will float past the ozone layer." ~ Amy Tan, author
"It was INCREDIBLE. I had a wonderful time and met a thousand fascinating people."
~ Malcolm Gladwell, author
"I came to the TED conference with the idea that I wanted to serve a really unique audience in an impactful way; but honestly I gained more than I could ever imagine personally from my attendance. I met so many people ... just phenomenal human beings who had a true social or contribution focus. I developed a lot of friends out of the group and learned an enormous amount." ~ Tony Robbins, motivator
"I wish I'd started coming earlier."
~ Richard Dawkins, biologist
"TED moments have been echoing in my brain ever since I left Monterey. A wonderful experience." ~ Dan Dennett, philosopher
Be astounded enlightened and entertained by checking out TED.
Just something to think about
Peace Satori
Charles Lyon
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Check out TED and get redy to be blown away
Posted by
Charles Lyon, C.HT.
8:06 AM
Labels: Design, Entertainment, Technology, TED Ideas worth spreading
Friday, February 6, 2009
life can be be a real presant, if you let it.
The present moment is all you will ever have so why not live there?
In the modern world of mass communication and cell phones I find it interesting how people have transferred the preoccupation of society with some where else, to even the cell phone.
I see students in a group all together instead of talking to each other in the group , some will be instant messaging some one not there, others on the phone talking to some one else instead of interacting with who is in front of them right now.
Most of my life I have been a people watcher at a younger age some of the time in judgment of all I see in recent years it has shifted to not in judgment of what I see as much as the desire to understand the dynamics of the human species.
From this place I find that all people are basically good and want the same things, but there unconsciousness brings them allot of misery. Since we are all more alike then different the more I can understand you the more I can understand myself.
In seeing and understanding your motivations I can see and more fully my motivations. Years ago when I was working for a personal development company one of the concepts I was introduced to is the fact that we are all blind to our dysfunctional behaviors.
Manley because the dysfunctional behaviors’ are habitual, mechanical and participated in unconsciously, like Pavlov’s Dog some one pushes the button and we react instantly. We get a complement we feel up or good, we get criticized and we feel down or get up set instantly and automatically, just like a machine.
When we gather with people we have known instead of being present in the here and now we talk about things that happened in the past with them, remembering joys, follies, stupid things we did, and so on.
You could truly say every ones favorite place is SOME WHERE ELSE, other then where we are right now.
At work we are always some were else thinking about bills or our kids, or what we will do that night or what we will do on the weekend, or thinking about how some one upset us going over it again and again and again.
Leaving us board at work hating what we are doing now and wanting to be some where else. Most people hate there Job, with the most common complaints being boredom, and monotints’ work turning what we do to make a living in to miserable experience.
I know most of my life I have hated what I did for a living all of it. Then I got a job that I truly loved, and because of circumstances that at the time seamed beyond my reach left it.
And I suffered for years longing to be doing that job again even hating the fact that I ever had it. Because every thing else sucked in comparison.
Now I know that it wasn’t the job but how I participated in the job that made it so fun and fulfilling.
The job was as a facilitator of workshops and processes with people one on one. The job required my complete undivided attention in the here and now.
When I am present in the here and now even the most boring job as perceived before can be fulfilling enjoyable and even fun. The secrete is to give it my undivided attention, to fully be here right now, in what ever I am doing right now, with out resistance of any kind.
From this place even weighting for a doctors appointment can be enjoyable. Did you ever think about it, that there will never be a time in your life that is not right now, and you will never be any where that is not right here. Here and now it all there is and all there will ever be.
There in not any dreamed of wonderful, fulfilling, and exciting event that will not happen and be experienced right here and right now. There will never be any thing you can do that is not right here and right now.
And we still persist to think of dream of long for “some where else” other then right her and right now.
So end the suffering by allowing your self to just be present here right now.
Enjoy what you do by excepting what ever you are dealing with and give it your undivided attention, right here right Now.
And transform your boring monotones job in to something that is fulfilling enjoyable and even fun.
Just something to think about.
Posted by
Charles Lyon, C.HT.
12:32 PM