The true Mind.
The true mind is part of us from the every first moment of life and could be called the observer, it is always conscious 24/7 taking in every thing, the observer is intensely curious and interested in every thing, It has no judgments of any thing just the desire to understand.
The true mind isn’t afraid of any thing but instead lives in the realm of Unconditional Love and peace. The true mind lives in the ever present and even when it is involved with the future in is in the “present future Now”. If it is involved with the past it is in the present Past Now.
Time and space has no meaning to the true mind what ever it focuses on it is present moment now no matter where or when it is. This is why remote Viewing is possible.
The true mind is always at peace in every situation and loves unconditionally all of life with out any separation.
The Observer is not attached to any thing of form, including the body of the self. The observer could be in a massive car accident and see the body broken and bleeding and it would find the whole thing extremely interesting, but neither good or bad.
The observer cannot be deceived because it lives in the realm of all that is and is aware of its connection to all that is. It is aware of all the functions of the body every cell, every system, It is also aware of the collective intelligence of the universe and can answer any question about any thing.
It is pure intelligence.
The true mind doesn’t have a struggle for control it enjoys observing the egoic mind and will relinquish control to the egoic mind just because it enjoys observing the weird and distorted places it can go. When ever you are observing any thing in the present moment with out Judgment you are in the true mind. Like factious on your breath notice how it feels as your lungs fill with air and then as it leaves your lungs, this exercise can only be experienced by the true mind, which is stillness.
The Egoic Mind.
The egoic mind is always unconscious, it is always in the realm of Illusion. It is the source of all insanity, people who are completely insane are living in the consciousness of the egoic mind all the time. The ego is never in the present moment of here and now, but always in the futures or the past.
Fear lives in the egoic mind, and can only be experienced in the egoic mind. The egoic mind attaches it's self to every thing in the physical world and thinks it is every thing in the physical world.
Every attachment we have to every thing in the physical world weather it is our body, our home, our friends, our family, or our possessions.
Every attachment we have to our emotions is also the ego, pain becomes our pain, sadness becomes our sadness, depression becomes our depression, guilt becomes our guilt, shame becomes our shame. and don't try to remove them the ego will rebel it wants to keep them all.
It feels a sense of loss when every any thing in the physical or emotional world leaves. It is devastated when it loses any thing because it identifies with every thing in the physical world.
To the egoic mind outward things are an extension of it's self, and if our car is wrecked it feels a loss of perceived self. The egoic mind wants to always be in control and feels threatened when ever we are not in its realm.
To move consciousness in the present moment is experienced as death to the egoic mind so it will fight it always and forever.
The egoic mind is where conditioned unconscious responses comes from like Pavlov’s Dog it salivates every time the bell rings and never knows why.
Like a recorded program of a computer all it needs is to be started and it will go on auto pilot and your are not aware of how it works and why.
Often not even aware the conditioned program is even running, it must have you unconscious in order to remain. That’s why we are all blind to our dysfunctional behavior, for as soon as you are aware it is running you have the power to stop the program.
It is constantly working to reinforce its every Illusion as being the truth. The Egoic mind is incapable of telling the truth and it is constantly in promotion the unconscious, of fear it loves and feeds on Unconsciousness’ attached to fear.
When it gives you bad advice that doesn’t work it will give you the exact same advice again and tell you that you just didn’t try hard enough or something else to disguise its absurdness.
Its favorite mask is smoke and mirrors, constantly recapitulating the same absurd and useless message, but with a new and pretty package but in side it’s still just a broken worthless thought form.
It never worked even once, but it tells you that you still need to by a brand new, worthless model because it will work better then the last one, and when you do it’s just the old piece of shit with a fresh coat of paint.
If you fight the Ego it will always win. The only way to overcome the ego is through quiet observation with out a need to change a thing.
In the present moment just observe it like it was a child that just wants to be loved and understood. This will over come all of the egoic influence to live in the present moment with out any resistance or desire to be any were then where you are now.
Excepting and embracing and loving what is. In this realm you will make it your friend and it will never again be able to create illusion again.
A profound process to allow you to move in to the true mind is the Work by Byron Katie.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The True Mind verses The Egoic Mind.
Posted by
Charles Lyon, C.HT.
1:16 PM
Labels: Ego vs True mind
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